The project

TEAMING.AI project aims to make a breakthrough in smart manufacturing by introducing greater customisation and personalisation of products and services in AI technologies.

Through a new human and AI teaming framework manufacturing processes will be optimised: the greatest strengths of both these elements can be maximised while safety and ethical compliance guidelines are examined and maintained.


Expected Impacts

Certifiable AI for human autonomy

Improved adoption and acceptance of AI

Reduced setup time and maintenance cost

More flexible production processes

Operational Framework

A novel operational framework for building will be developed to cope with the heterogeneity of data types and the uncertainty and dynamic changes in the context of human-AI interaction with update dynamics in terms of seconds rather than several hours of state-of-the-art EKGs. This operational framework will open up a wide field of applications, as shown below.

Transparency and Explicability
Knowledge graph of processes based on real actions in real-time providing a new quality level

Digital twin in dynamic environment
Digital twins with less delay, which are more accurate and reliable

Advanced data analytics and optimization in dynamic environment
A more accurate, reliable and explicable virtualization of processes


 Teaming will integrate three aspects

1. The representation of processable knowledge

2. Relational Machine Learning techniques

3. Cross functional teamwork