Project Coordinator's Note

Mario Pichler, SCCH, shares his vision and plans for TEAMING.AI.

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Smart Manufacturing plays a critical role in maintaining companies' and organisations' competitiveness by supporting them at different levels such as process optimisation, resource efficiency, predictive maintenance, and quality control. Nevertheless, current AI technologies that are rapidly penetrating industrial sectors at those levels remain essentially narrow AI systems. This is due to the lack of self-adaptiveness in the AIs capability to assimilate and interpret new information outside of its predefined programmed parameters.

"In TEAMING.AI project we aim to develop a human-AI teaming framework that integrates the strengths of both, the flexibility of human intelligence and the scale-up capability of machine intelligence."

Human-AI teaming is equally motivated to meet the increased need for flexibility in the maintenance and further evolution of AI systems, driven by the increasing personalization of products and service, as well as tackling the barriers of user acceptance and ethical challenges involved in the collaborative environments where artificial intelligence will be used, in order AI can be considered as “teammate” rather than as a threat.

Since the start of the TEAMING.AI in January this year, we had already a series of lively and productive meetings to discuss all aspects of successful teaming and started to analyse our use-cases in greater depth. First analysis results were already presented at the General Assembly Meeting at the beginning of June and led to a fruitful discussion in three workshop sessions during this meeting. In addition to our successful start of Teaming.AI, we have been co-initiating the launch of the ICT-38 cluster on AI for manufacturing to foster the communication and exchange between all the other ICT-38 projects and to start with common dissemination activities.

As the coordinator of this EU project, I'm looking forward to an intensified exchange of ideas between the partners to tackle our challenges ahead and to share the results with you in the coming months. So, stay tuned!


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TEAMING.AI was presented in the First ICT-48 Community Workshop