TEAMING.AI first review meeting by the European Commission

The first nine months of the TEAMING.AI project have been completed, and the EC conducted its first review with the TEAMING.AI partners. The partners had the opportunity to present the technical and scientific progress to the project officers in an online meeting.

During this meeting, several aspects of the project were reviewed, such as the implementation of the work plan, the status of the deliverables and use of resources, the contributions of the beneficiaries, the expected impacts and plants for the dissemination and exploitation of the results.

The team of reviewers were able to recognise and acknowledge the work done and at the same time provided advice for future improvement.

Although the meeting took place online, the exchange of ideas and key takeaways were very fruitful and the feedback received from the EC very positive.

The project officer ended the meeting in a positive note by concluding that Teaming.AI progress has made a good impression, of good work, of being on track and of good coordination and cooperation shows a positive energy between partners.


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