TEAMING.AI had its first physical meeting
On 7-10 of March, TUD and PROFACTOR visited GOIMEK factory in order to analyse Use Case 3 of TEAMING.AI (Ergonomics and risk prevention in large part manufacturing) and collect data about the production process of two products: bearing house and reinforced torque arms. These pieces are machined using Soraluce FS 6801 milling machine-tool.
TUD recorded videos related to the machining process and operator manual tasks (like clamping) while detecting where the operator is looking at. The recorded video gives insights about the whole production process.
PROFACTOR installed and calibrated three gray-scale video cameras to extract stick-figures of the operators. The ergonomic risk assessment is going to be done with these stick-figures recordings.
This has been the first approach on site for TUD and Profactor.
On 9th of March, a workshop on Use Case 3 was held at IDEKO premises. During this workshop, the progress and further actions to be carried out within this Use Case, were discussed. The topics in the agenda where the following:
· Overview Teaming.AI Platform (SCCH)
· UC3 activity recognition
· Demonstrator Use Case 3
· Validation of Demonstrator (TUD) Overview software architecture (SCCH)
· Teaming AI Platform Integration